Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Iniciar Sesion en Hotmail

¿Por que nos motivamos a abrir cuenta de correo Hotmail?
Nos vemos motivados por el privilegio de tener acceso gratuito maravillosas utilidades y herramientas que nos oferce el correo electronico de Hotmail. Principalmente porque podremos enviar y recibir correos electrónicos ilimitadamente a nuestros amigos y familiares. El servicio de correo Hotmail ( Outlook) fue creado con el objetivo de facilitarnos la vida, permitiendonos mandar correos instantaneos mundialmente sin limites, hoy por hoy es una de las fuentes de comunicacion mas usadas en el internet.
En la actualidad posee numerosas herramientas además de enviar y recibir correos. Puedes enviar archivos adjuntos, como un documento PDF o un archivo multimedia para ponerles un ejemplo.
Tambien tenemos la excelente posibilidad de almacenar y compartir archivos en la nube. Esta herramienta se hace llamar OneDrive, antiguamente se le conocia como SkyDrive. Aparte de almacenar y compartir archivos, también nos da la posibilidad de utilizar Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point y OneNote online sin tener que instalarlo en la pc. Esto último mencionado es muy importante ya que nos permite crear un proyecto para cualquiera de esos formatos y almacenarlos en la nube para cuando lo necesitamos poder acceder desde cualquier lugar con solo loguearte en tu cuenta de correo. OndeDrive cumple la función de un pendrive virtual, ya que podemos subir o descargar esos archivos desde cualquier lugar en el que abramos nuestra cuenta.
Otra excelente función que ofrece es la de utilizar un Calendario. Este nos sirve para crear, guardar, ver próximos eventos y saber el cumpleaños más próximo de nuestros amigos y familiares. Muy funcional como tener una agenda virtual que nos avisa de la proximidad de cualquier evento nuestro o de algún contacto al iniciar sesión en nuestro correo electronico.
Para finalizar, Hotmail tiene una interfaz sencilla e intuitiva para administrar nuestros mensajes facilmente, agregar y borrar contactos, eventos, etc.
¿Qué pasos debo seguir para poder iniciar sesión en Hotmail?
En primer lugar, debes tener una cuenta Hotmail. Si no tienes una debes creartela.

Accedemos a la página principal de Hotmail entrando a Nos aparecerá algo como se muestra en la siguiente imagen.
Ingresa el nombre de tu cuenta en el primer rectángulo y luego ingresa tu contraseña en el segundo recuadro. Luego haz click en el cuadro azul que dice “Iniciar sesión”. Tu cuenta se verá como se muestra en la siguiente imagen.
Cuando hayas terminado de usar tu cuenta deberias cerrar sesión por seguridad.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Which is Adequate food for diabetics?

For many years it was considered that a diabetic's diet was very restrictive in that it eliminated sweets and starches. Currently, if the patient is in a state of diabetes controlled by insulin injections or medication, may have a quite varied diet and that will have a great effect on their quality of life. Some people may become depressed because they can not eat things they like, hence the importance of diet of the diabetic, said nutritionist Sara Abu-Sabbah in Health in RPP.

There are four basic points to consider before you know what a diabetic should eat. The person must be a healthy weight and if you climb, you should use a specialist to recommend what to do to get off. Each diet will be personalized according to the level of weight that the patient has.

Another important point to consider is physical activity, should be a tension but not aerobic exercise such as walking for 35 to 45 minutes daily. A third point has to do with the timing of meals.

Generally an adult consumes three meals a day but in the case of diabetes is recommended up to six meals a day because outside of breakfast, lunch and dinner should not be small snacks rich in sugar or simple carbohydrates. It may be a small piece of cheese or almonds or peanuts that trigger sugar levels. It is mandatory consumption of vegetables, preferably raw because they contain fiber that carries the fat and gives us a good supply of minerals and vitamins. Do not exceed four fruits a day. Must be accompanied with lunch or breakfast. Should not be consumed in juice. It will be preferable to avoid grapes and ripe bananas. Also raisins, figs and dates.

The patient can consume controlled sugar but brown and white, but also cereal grains, like brown rice, for example. Potatoes should be boiled or baked.

Meats should be low in fat and should be consumed more than three times a week. Can also be used to fish and for that you have a number of recipes. Things to avoid are fried foods.

The person may consume wine, two glasses full. Do not forget that too much hurt.

Also avoid products that are packaged despite bearing the letterhead of comprehensive because they contain preservatives and refined elements that will ultimately raise the level of glucose in the blood. In the case of sweeteners for diabetics to remember that although they are recommended for diabetics can not be consumed at the whim and sprees.

10 rules for healthy eating for life and what to remove from your kitchen

The online newspaper "The Huffington Post" published an interesting article by Mark Hyman, MD, an internationally recognized authority in the field of functional medicine. The English article is titled "10 Rules to Eat Safely for Life (and What to Remove From Your Kitchen)" provides 10 important rules to follow for healthy eating for life, and we should remove food from the kitchen to improve our health.

According to Hayman, follow these simple rules can help us survive and avoid the dangers of industrial food and to prevent, treat and even reverse most chronic diseases that undermine our energy.

Follow these simple rules and get extraordinary results in your health and your family: weight loss, increased energy, reduced need for medication, health recovery and slowing the epidemic of chronic disease that afflicts thousands of children and adults around the world.

• Rule 1. Ideally keep food in your kitchen without labels (those that come in boxes, packages or cans). Although there are good foods that are labeled as sardines, artichoke hearts or roasted red peppers, one must be smart to read labels and look through these two important things: the list of ingredients and nutritional information. If the main ingredient at the bottom of the list, and salt or sugar are at the top, be careful, because the most abundant ingredient usually appears first, while the rest are listed in descending order by weight. Also be careful with some ingredients that may be exempt from the labels, which happens often, especially when foods come in packages or containers too small.

• Rule 2. If a food label should have less than five ingredients. If you have more than five, throw it away. Also watch out for foods whose labels claim to have healthful properties, since they are usually unhealthy.

• Rule 3. If sugar on the label of a product under any name (organic cane juice, honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, molasses or molasses), discard it. May be for example up to 33 teaspoons of sugar in a bottle median tomato sauce. The same goes for white rice and white flour, which act like sugar in the body. If you suffer diabesity (a form of diabetes caused by obesity), can not easily handle any meal, even integral.

• Rule 4. Discard any food that the label contains corn syrup, high fructose, because it is super sweet liquid sugar bad for your health. Some corn syrups high in fructose also contain mercury as a byproduct of the manufacturing process. Soft drinks, juices and drinks, "sports" (isotonic rehydration), contain this "metabolic poison" low quality signal or processed foods.

• Rule 5. Discard any food that contains the label the word "hydrogenated". This is an indicator of trans fats, which have proven to cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

• Rule 6. Discards highly refined cooking oils like corn oil, soybean, etc.. Avoid toxic fats and fried foods.

• Rule 7. Discard any food that contains ingredients on the label do not recognize, you can not pronounce or in english.

• Rule 8. Discard all foods with preservatives, additives, colorings or dyes, "natural flavoring" or flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate (MSG).

• Rule 9. Discard any food with artificial sweeteners of any kind (aspartame, Splenda, sucralose, and sugar alcohols, any word that ends in "ol" like xylitol, sorbitol), which cause more hunger, slows your metabolism, produce gases, and do you accumulate fat in the belly.

• Rule 10. Finally, if something comes from the land or field of a farmer, not a food chemistry laboratory, it is safe to eat. If it's something your grandmother would not recognize as food, throw it away, and stay away from substances "type food."

Take note of these 10 rules for healthy eating for life and ready to enjoy a much healthier life and full of energy!

Read more: 10 rules for healthy eating for life (and what to remove from your kitchen)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

McDonalds will reduce the calories in their children's meals by 20%

We got fantastics news!Joining the crusade against childhood obesity in the U.S. fast food chain McDonalds has announced it will reduce by 20 percent calories from their children's menus, called "Happy Meal" or "Happy Meal".

The measure will take effect in September and will be implemented in the 14,000 restaurants that have the company in the country, with the spring 2012 deadline. The next step will be a global campaign to reduce sodium, saturated fat and calories of any offer. But consumers will have to wait until 2015 to see a substantial reduction in the levels of salt and five years, to consume less sugar and fat.

The new burger child lose weight of 90 grams to 45 today, accompanied by half of chips. Thus, the menu will stay below 600 calories. Another novelty is that the fruit will no longer be optional, the menu for dessert take a bag of peeled apple slices and a chocolate shake with skim milk. Those who do not wish to take this drink with cocoa, in return receive an extra pack of fruit.

This change in McDonald's nutrition policy is preceded by pressure from consumer groups who have spent years claiming Americans healthier offerings in their hamburger.

In Spain, McDonald "s has been since 2006 offering accessories and desserts in their children's menus that include more fruits and vegetables. In fact, the new Happy Meal menu, the chain introduced in April, was advertised as" adapted to the nutritional needs of smaller, more variety and more balanced. "

Spanish children's menus include carrots and lots of cream cheese, a stick of fresh pineapple, plus cherrie tomatoes and fresh apple slices, which were already available for some time. These children's menus are below 560 calories, which the company says "is about a third of the recommended daily intake for the population of children aged between 4 and 5 years."

The Famous Manhattan Diet

The Manhattan Diet is a weight loss tricks and proposed several suggestions to help change behavior and lose weight more effectively. This new diet is based on the book "The Manhattan Diet: lose weight while wearing a fabulous life," written by Eileen Daspin, wife of famous chef Cesare Casella.

Diet reveals the secret Manhattan and describes the eating habits of women in New York, U.S. city with the lowest rate of obesity across the country. Daspin, who claims to have all the keys to weight loss without suffering, in his book tries to explain what is the diet of the New York women, and how to achieve and maintain weight loss, despite certain temptations, such as hamburgers, donuts, etc..

The Manhattan diet resulted from a study conducted Daspin, which was to study for 28 days the habits of 25 New York women who had to write a diary with all the details of their diet and exercise practiced.

Among the keys to Manhattan diet include: the control portions and amounts of food, always leaving something on the plate. Eating tasty, eat everything but without frequent fast food places. Walk a lot. Eat slowly savoring every bite.

Manhattan diet tips

The following are some tips to lose weight with Manhattan's Diet and not to increase it.

Replace table sugar for organic foods as maple syrup or agave syrup. Although the amount of calories is the same, its glycemic index is much lower.

Use only oils to flavor foods or salads, not cooking. We suggest using olive oil.

Avoid too elaborate meals, which have many calories, saturated fat and simple carbohydrates.

To help you eat less and more slowly, use small spoons or chopsticks.

If you fancy some fresh food, eat only half rather than the full portion. Eat slowly to savor it better.

Drink green tea, a tea antioxidant that helps burn fat.

Increase consumption of grains, seeds and grains like quinoa, rye, oat bran, chia, flax, among others. The measure suggested is one tablespoon.

Reduce consumption of sauces to a minimum.

Walk daily. Daily walks are essential for weight loss. The New Yorkers walk about 2 kilometers or 1.2 miles a day. This would be one of the secrets of why not gain weight.

Diet example menu Manhattan

The following menu can guide you to build your own menu.

Breakfast: 1 yogurt with cereal, no sugar or fruit.
Mid Morning: a handful of walnuts or almonds.
Lunch: Salad vegetables several. Add 1 tablespoon of seeds or grains.
Snack: 1 cup milk or yogurt.
Media Today: 1 cup strawberries or blueberries.
Dinner: one serving of fish with raw vegetables in salads, or steamed.

Although diet has many followers Manhattan, has also been heavily criticized, as some claim that there are many points of the diet, the closer to what you find on many pages in defense of anorexia. Among the tips of the most criticized Manhattan diet are: eating sugarless gum or drink herbal tea, when you want to eat.

Like many miracle diets, the controversy came to the Diet Manhattan, because although sometimes they get weight loss are not always healthy and balanced.

The diet of 1,000 calories really works!

The diet of 1,000 calories is obviously a low calorie diet can lose weight that those extra pounds that accumulate mainly in the abdomen. There are various diet plans than 1,000 calories to lose weight. Some are closed and some let you choose between a food group.

Recommendations for diet of 1,000 calories

The diet of 1,000 calories must be followed for only two weeks. It is indicated only for healthy people, so before starting must have prior authorization of an endocrinologist or nutritionist, who will evaluate your health and progress.

Another important recommendation in the diet of 1,000 calories daily is to drink half liter to two liters of water and 30 minutes of daily physical exercise such as jogging, hiking, biking, or doing some kind of dance or gymnastics.

Do not eat between meals and avoid eating things that are not part of the diet. Foods that you should not include in the diet of 1,000 calories are: sugar (use a natural sweetener), pasta, bread, vegetables, fats, meats, butter, custard apple, banana and grape.

Weekly menu of the diet of 1,000 calories

• Breakfast: 1 cup. skim milk, 1 bread, 2 boiled egg whites, 2 oranges.
• Lunch: 100 g. steamed fish, salad 1/2 cup broccoli and 1/2 cup green beans.
• Dinner: 100 g. Chicken breast, spinach salad ½, 1 tomato, 1 infusion.

• Breakfast: 1 cup coffee, 1 bread, 5 olives
• Lunch: 100 g. turkey in tomato sauce, 1/2 cup alverjitas, 100 gr. of rice, 1/2 cup of cooked cauliflower, 1 cup water, 2 peaches.
• Dinner: 100 g. beef, 100 gr. lettuce and cucumber, infusion.

• Breakfast: 1 glass of papaya juice, 1 toast, 40 g. of cheese.
• Lunch: 100 g. of ollucos (also known as potato tuber smooth) cooked, 100 grams of chicken breast, 1 tbsp. parsley, salad 1/2 cup. broccoli, 1 cup water, 2 table oranges.
• Dinner: 100 g. turkey breast, 1 cup salad. eggplant and 1/2 cup. of alverjitas, infusion.

• Breakfast: 1 cup. Tea (infusion), 2 slices, 200 gr. pineapple
• Lunch: 100 g. sweaty fish with tomato, 100 gr. rice, salad 100 gr. lettuce, 1/2 cup. of radishes, 1 cup of water.
• Dinner: 100 g. beef grilled, salad, 1 cup. of skim milk.

• Breakfast: 1 cup. skim milk, 1 bread, 2 boiled egg whites.
• Lunch: 100 g. leg of chicken, 100 gr. cooked quinoa, salad, 1 cup water, 2 tangerines.
• Dinner: 100 g. turkey, 1 1/2 cup. broccoli, tea or skim milk.

• Breakfast: 1 infusion, 1 bread, 40 gr. cheese, 2 peaches.
• Lunch: 100 g. pumpkin puree, 100 g. for maize (corn) cooked 1/2 cup. of alverjitas, 100 gr. beef, 1 cup of water, 200 gr. papaya.
• Dinner: 100 g. Steamed fish, 1/2 cup. green beans, 1 cup. carrots, tea or skim milk.

• Breakfast: 1 tza. Coffee, 2 toast, 1 egg, 200 gr. pineapple.
• Lunch: 100 g. beef, 1 cup. chickpeas, zarsa criolla (onion and 1 tomato), 1 cup water, 1 slice of papaya.
• Dinner: 100 g. boiled chicken, salad 1/2 and 4 asparagus eggplant, 1 cup. milk. skim.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Face weight loss diet

While you can lose weight, and this will be reflected in your body, it can sometimes be more difficult to thin certain areas such as the face. If this is your case, you can complement certain exercises along with a diet that allows you to wear a thinner face. If you are interested, this paper find how.

While exercise and massage are essential for weight loss in a localized manner in this case the face, or you can make a practice a specific diet that allows you to supplement these exercises and a face look thinner.

What should be the diet to slim your face?

One of the most important, when making a diet to slim the face is that you incorporate fruits and vegetables. While these will help you lose weight your whole body, have a special action on the face, as it contains natural antioxidants. These substances not only help you burn fat faster, but will prevent the action of free radicals.
On the other hand, the face weight-loss diet should be low in simple carbohydrates and saturated fats, to avoid formation of fatty tissue is deposited in a localized manner.
It is also important to drink about 2 liters of water daily, as water detoxifies, purifies and helps you lose weight. Moreover, the water reduces free radical activity, and lets face look healthier and younger.
Also, you must control your salt intake as this can cause fluid retention that may be reflected in your face.
Finally, avoid alcohol, as these may provoke fluid retention and bloating your face.
If you need to lose your face, you can implement this diet that allows you to achieve your goal, but remember it is important that the complementes massage and specific exercises to help you further.