
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Pear Diet an easy way to loss Weight

The pear diet is a diet to lose weight, ideal for those looking to remove some weight off quickly.

Because of its low caloric value, large amount of fiber and its low sodium content, the pear is a perfect fruit for inclusion in the diets.

The diet of the bulb is made for a week. It should not be extended beyond this time. During the diet of the bulb is recommended to take at least two liters of water each day for best results we suggest exercising at least four days a week.

Daily menu of the diet of the pear

Breakfast: A bowl of porridge with water, a diced pear.

Mid-morning: A couple of egg whites with a handful of mushrooms, half a serving of whole wheat toast, a pear.

Lunch or Lunch: Roast beef with a little salt (chicken breast, turkey, salmon, filet of fish or beef), green salad with a handful of cherry tomatoes, a pear.

Mid-afternoon: A fresh pear.

Dinner: a yogurt, a pear, diced

If you're hungry between meals you can eat another pear.

The diet of the bulb is suitable for people who are healthy and have only a little overweight. Consult your doctor before starting this or any other diet.

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